“freakishly accurate” 🙉

Istvan Bujdoso
From: Istvan Bujdoso
Luton, UK

🙉 “This is freakishly accurate!” – I thought.

And kept staring at the screen, eyes wide open, and without even blinking.

My whole body was frozen in shock. I just couldn’t move.

At the same time, I felt a weird sense of amazement about what I had just discovered.

I was like… “How the heck do they do this?” 🤔

About a week or two before that, I signed up for a 2-week email marketing challenge.

While I did that more for seeing HOW they did the challenge than for WHAT they were teaching…

…I discovered something unexpected and more than astonishing. 😲

During one of the sessions they mentioned 16personalities.com for 2 KEY reasons.

(More on those two a bit later.)

Quickly, I added the site to my todo list.

And after the session, I excitedly filled out the personality test and clicked on the submit button to see the results.

Saying that I was WOWed would be an understatement. 😮

What I read on the result page about me was truly “freakishly accurate”. 🙉

It was a shocking 🤯 and weirdly amazing experience. 🤩

But, how does this all come to YOUR marketing?

Well, let me explain…

It’s a well-known fact that the easiest and best audience to target is “your past self”.

People who are currently where you were before achieving success in your area of expertise…

…and they want to be where you’re now.

For them, you can be the perfect guide… 🧑‍🏫

…because you know their challenges and you know how they can get where they want to be.

And the 2 reasons why completing a personality test is such a GREAT marketing hack is because…

(1) Getting to know yourself on a deeper level is getting to know your ideal audience, leads, and clients very well too.

(2) Your personality profile helps in crafting a detailed avatar of your ideal customer who you can talk to throughout your marketing with consistency.

💡 The ULTIMATE goal is knowing your audience so well that when they read your emails, sales letters, and watch your videos…

…they consistently feel “Yes, it’s me, it’s me, it’s me. This person really knows and understands me.”.

The more you can make them feel that way…

…the easier it gets to generate ideal leads and clients. And grow your business.

And when you combine that with the right SYSTEM then you can…

…get ideal leads and clients, quick and easy, on AUTOPILOT.

(🤫 Pssst… TODAY… you can get started for FREE! 😉)

The Infamous Online Business Challenge
Istvan Bujdoso

Thank you,
Istvan Bujdoso

P.S. Remember… you’re almost there… just a system away…

Who would have guessed this? 🙃

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It felt like a nice pat on the back of my ego…

With my head held high, chest out, and a huge grin on my face 😁, I was proudly thinking…

“I’ve been doing THAT too for many years.”

BUT my ego trip was short lived. (luckily)

Hearing a surprising combination of a few simple words knocked my ego aside instantly.

And an interesting new perspective sank in.

(Entrepreneurial golden nugget on the other side. 😉 )

3 keys to attract more customers 😃

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“Why can’t I get more customers?!” 😞

So many entrepreneurs have asked this question at some point throughout their journey.

Have you ever done that too?

🔔 If yes, almost certainly, you’re missing 1, or all of these 3 core marketing principles.

Which are, in fact, actually pretty simple, and have nothing to do with your products and services.


“When you understand them you can apply them to any business to…

…create a movement of people who are gonna go to the end of the Earth to buy your products and services.” 🧑‍🦱 👩‍🦰 👱 👩 👨‍🦳 💰 💵

Here they are…

The 3 Core Marketing Principles To Attract More Customers

Pssst… 🤫 (marketing secret inside)

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Pssst… 🤫

You’re about to find out…

“A secret funnel strategy that is literally taking new business owners from startup phase to 2-Comma Club winners in a very short period of time.”

👉 Watch this video now.

It’ll help you to take your business to the next level in a simple and easy way.

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